Monday, June 23, 2008

There's a Cheetah in my Room

I am fully recovered from my nasty bout with tonsillitis. That was a yucky bug. I started feeling better just in time for my 2nd annual summer cookie exchange.
I had the idea last year that I just adore cookie exchanges, but Christmas is always a hard time to get people together because everyone is so busy, plus I travel every other Christmas anyways, so I should have a cookie exchange in the summer when my friends are more available. Well, so I thought. This year 5 invitees couldn't make it. But that still left 5 wonderful friends to come over.
I made several snacks, none of which I got pictures of because I was rushed for time a the last minute, but it was all really good. I'll definitely make most of them again and hopefully get pictures next time.
After Grant got the kids to bed, he went over to Ben Gill's house for a guys night of Risk. About 9:00, I heard talking upstairs and left the party to investigate.
Marissa and Corban were both up, chatting in the hallway. Turns out Marissa had to use the potty (#2) and we had quite the conversation during that time.

Marissa: "I have a gweat idea, wisten to dis. I had a tary (scary) dream. Dere was a cheetah in my woom and I pointed at it and it went away."
Me: "You know that when you have a scary dream, you should talk to Jesus. He's always with you and will always take care of you."

A few seconds would pass.....and then......

Marissa: "I have a gweat idea, wisten to dis. I had a tary (scary) dweam. Dere was a cheetah in my woom and I pointed at it and it went away. And if I have a tary dweam, I will tell Jesus and then I'll tell Torban."
Me: "Yes, you can tell Corban if you have a scary dream, but really it's best to tell Jesus or Mommy or Daddy."

A few seconds later.....she broke into song.

Marissa: "Jesus woves me, dis I know, for da Bible scares away the cheetah in my woom...."

Ya just had to be there. It was pretty funny.

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